Tanglewood Farm

where alpacas are a passion, not just a business

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Around the farm

I have noticed that my Guinea hens, who had been sitting on a bunch of their eggs, have not been seen for two days. The male is getting lonesome and has been looking for them too, but neither of us has found them. Last night, Kander, the ever vigilant Anatolian Shepherd, managed to do one of his Houdini escapes and slipped past me as I was bringing a bale of hay in to the boys. Of course, he let all the boys out as well, and as luck would have it, I had left the driveway gate open so I could take the trash can out for the weekly pick-up. In less than thirty seconds, six of the boys were out on the lane, munching on nice grass in my neighbors' yards. So off I went to get a bucket of grain because I know from prior experience that the way to an alpaca's heart is through his stomach, ergo alpaca grain. This has worked for me every time in the past. However, that day, the grass was oh so much more delicious than the grain, that they totally ignored the bucket, no matter how much I rattled the grain and clapped my hands(a sure sign. to them, in the past, that grain was coming). I then got my trusty reel and 100 feet of rope, and as I was heading down the drive with it, one of my neighbors, who had been training her horse, and saw my predicament, came over to help. I handed her one end of the rope while I maneuvered the other end, and between the two of us, we finally corralled them into the driveway. By the time I got everyone back in where they are supposed to be, I was too tired to deal with the dog,who had already gone into the fenced yard that I have for my German Shepherds around the house. He loves going in there and goes to visit each of the Shepherds who have their kennels there. He also enjoys coming into the house, and is a good dog when he is in there, just checks everything out, even the cats, and does not make any messes. He is just a really huge dog, and when all 170 pounds of him are stretched out on my kitchen floor, there is little room for me and my housedog, Echo, who has learned to tolerate him. So I just let him come in and make himself comfortable for the night. Around ten pm, I let him outside to take care of business, and a few minutes later, I heard screetching and barking. I looked outside and just managed to catch sight of Kander with a big furry thing in his giant mouth, as he headed toward the woods that are in front of my house. It was dark, and I was no about to go out to find out what he had, so let him be. An hour later, I looked out and he was standing in front of the door, waiting to be let in. He had a cut above one eye, so I cleaned that out and put Neosporin on it. Then we went to sleep. This morning, before letting the two dogs out, I went to the area where I had seen Kander carry his prey. I did not want the dogs to go and chew on this thing, whatever it was that I would find. Sure enough, there was a dead male raccoon lying in the yard. I got rid of it, and then let the dogs out. Kander went to that spot where the raccoon had been, and started sniffing and hunting for it, but I had already taken care of that varmit. I suspect it was the raccoon who was responsible for the disappearance of the two Guineas. Kander got a good "cookie" for a job well done. His wound is healing nicely( He did have his rabies shot this year), and I am glad I don't have to take him to the vet. He does not fit into the passenger seat of my truck, and I normally have to hitch up the trailer when he does go to see the vet. Never a dull moment at Tanglewood Farm.